BEFORE your eyelash extension application, please remove all makeup prior to your appointment. When cleaning, please use an oil free cleanser.
We only apply eyelash extensions to healthy natural lashes so please ensure you have taken proper care of your eyelashes before your application.
AFTER your eyelash extension application, DO NOT expose your lashes to water for 24 hours. This includes swimming pools, saunas, humidity, showers or sweating from working out, tanning or yoga. If the temperature is humid where you are, you must stay in an air conditioned location for the initial 24 hours.
Avoid any oil based products after receiving your application such as oil based creams, mascaras and makeup.
Use a gentle water based, oil free, cleanser to clean your eyes daily after the 24 hour period.
Do Not pick or rub your lashes as the natural oil from your hands may break down the adhesive.
*Failure to follow these instructions can lead to the loss of the eyelash extension.
BEFORE your sugaring appointment exfoliate the area to be sugared.
Arrive to your appointment with clean skin.
Wear loose clothing to your appointment to prevent friction on the area being sugared.
Before your appointment, exfoliate the area to be sugared.
AFTER your Sugaring appointment, avoid using harsh products on your skin for 24 hours.
Avoid saunas and hot tubs for the first 24 hours.
BEFORE your permanent makeup procedure do not wax or tint your eyebrows or other areas 2 days prior. No chemical peel or Electrolysis 4 weeks prior to treatment. Plan all permanent makeup procedures 4 weeks prior to events/ vacations.
1. First 12 hours: Gently blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb any excess lymph fluid you may have. (Lymph is a clear fluid-like substance)
Days 1-10: CLEANSING
• Beginning the AM of the next day, gently wash to remove any bacteria/dead skin.
• Instructions for washing: Once in the AM and Once in the PM ONLY! Using GENTLE cleanser. (You will do this outside of the shower only!)
• With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the area. Gently rub in a smooth motion following hair growth for 10 seconds, then gently rinse with temperate water. Not hot!!! Make sure that all soap is rinsed.
• Very gently, pat dry with a tissue
• DO NOT use any other cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), ONLY what is recommended.
•Allow your treatment area to air dry for 5 mins, 100% dry. Never put your aftercare ointment on wet or damp.
•Apply a very small amount of aftercare ointment with a cotton swab across the treated area. Be sure not to over-apply as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. Apply only enough to moisturize, not to leave a noticeable shine or film.
•Use a fresh pillowcase, try to avoid sleeping on the treatment area.
•Let any scabbing or dry skin exfoliate away naturally. Picking can cause scaring and loss of pigment.
•Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for at least 1 week. Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning for 4 weeks. Wear a hat when outdoors. Any prolonged sun exposure will cause premature fading. When in the shower, avoid water completely
on the treatment area. No long hot showers.
•Avoid swimming, or any kind until your eyebrows have completely healed!